Food & Drinks

8 Ways to Enhance Your Love for Food and Beverages

October 27, 2022

George Bernard Shaw described the love of food as the sincerest of all affections. Eating doesn’t merely keep you energetic but also enhances your mental health. When you consume something you like, it stimulates the release of feel-good hormones from your mind. Food nurtures your body and nourishes your soul. People have found amazing methods to enhance their “inner foodie.” One method involves eating with all five senses. So, what are some other methods to improve your love for food and drinks? This article discusses some ways experts have found pretty helpful in making you enjoy your meals. 

Growing your “inner foodie”

Are you familiar with the French paradox? It’s observed that the French consume a high-cholesterol diet but don’t have as many deaths from coronary heart disease (CHD) as expected. Now, nobody knows for sure why this paradox exists. Maybe, it’s just an illusion! However, some experts have proposed a pretty convincing explanation stating that the French consume quality stuff, eat small portions, and relish every bite they eat. After reading this explanation in French Women Don’t Get Fat, we may state that awakening your “inner foodie” can protect you from declining health. So we have discussed some ways to help you bolster your love for food and drinks. So, follow these ideas and remain healthy and happy.

  • Get proper training

If your love for food has led you to work in the food and beverages industry, this suggestion is for you. Improve your affection for food and beverages by learning how to handle them professionally, which has also become mandatory in some cases. For instance, recently, the California Assembly Bill 1221 was passed, making it mandatory for bartenders to get proper training. You can pursue the required California RBS training online today and become proficient in serving alcoholic beverages properly. So, get your RBS certificate easily, quickly, and digitally. Learn that this certificate makes you more efficient with your drinks and will enhance your love for your job and the beverages you work with daily.

  • Write about food

Another option involves writing and publishing food blogs. You can inform people about the best ways to prepare food and the ideal shops for buying food-preparing necessities. Blogging has become a popular method for people to become foodie writers as they boost their love for food by expressing it digitally. Moreover, you can become a food photographer (because everyone wants to take some pics after preparing something delicious). Food blogging is one of the best ways to communicate your love for food online and become a part of a community that loves food as much as you do.

  • Comment on people’s cooking

Food lovers can pursue a career in food-related criticism. Many YouTube channels are dedicated to this career, where channel owners visit different restaurants and rate their meals. It can help you find the best chefs in town, become familiar with various cuisines, and consume the tastiest dishes nearby. You can write reviews or make videos about the food and restaurants you are passionate about and also help other people by doing so.

  • Eat when hungry

Bolster your “inner foodie” by changing your eating habits. Consume food only when you’re hungry. It’ll help you learn to appreciate your meals and enjoy them more effectively. Reduce junk food intake and replace fuzzy drinks with healthy milkshakes or smoothies. Eat your meals in small portions. You should enjoy every bit of food on your plate and drink water while eating to wash the food down. 

  • Practice mindful eating

Research reveals that 75-85 percent of people are distracted while consuming food. Distracted eating is dangerous because it causes people to gain weight and prevents them from enjoying their food. Instead, focus on your food while eating it so you can watch your portions properly and appreciate every flavor in your mouth. 

  • Add some flavors

Experiment with various spices in your recipes to bolster your affection for delicious meals. Try some dried herbs and spices to improve the flavor of the food you’re consuming. Remember that spices become even tastier when cooked, so you may add them during the cooking process or even at the beginning. Collect a range of spices in the kitchen to boost your love for food with different flavors. 

Seasoning isn’t always done with spices, mind you. The point is to remember that sweet and sour is a good combo. So don’t shy away from being experimental and adding some brown sugar in a steak sauce recipe if it asks for it.

  • Prepare alliums properly

Preparing alliums correctly can help you savor your meals properly. Cooks should know that cutting and chopping alliums (onion and garlic) in the beginning will end up with all your produce smelling like onion and garlic. So, it’s better to chop them in the end to avoid strong odors and sharp flavors carrying to all your other produce. You can also soak sliced onions to remove the allium’s pungency. Use this method to make alliums less detestable and more enjoyable while preparing your delicious meals.

  • Use sauces cleverly

Bring some savory flavor into your meals, but you must utilize sauces cleverly. If you are one of those people who detest sodium-rich condiments, you can add salt-free sauces to your meals. These sodium-reduced varieties taste even better when diluted with water. If the recipe asks you to use salt and sauces, it is okay to neglect salt completely. You can taste your food at the end and add salt if it lacks flavor.


Do you consider yourself a foodie? Studies have shown that over 50% of Americans believe they’re foodies. So that means most Americans are interested in enhancing their love for food and drinks. These are just some of the ways you can do that. You can appreciate your meals better by using spices and sauces cleverly. Prepare alliums correctly and learn how to use the heating right.

Moreover, refrain from eating when you’re not hungry because your hunger helps you appreciate the food even more. Instead, practice mindful eating, and you can savor the flavor better. Finally, put more effort into your food-related career and help others by being honest and sharing your reviews about what you enjoy. 

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