Truck maintenance is an on-going process. Depending on your vehicle’s use, knowing the parts mileage can be an important step. For example, it could be as soon as 60,000 miles to start thinking about where to get spark plugs replaced, or it may be 75,000 miles. When dealing with parts that require more frequent changes, such as brake pads, there are a few things to consider, but how much it will cost should not be one of them.
Getting Started
The easiest way to tell if brake pads need changing is by watching for the indicator light located on the dashboard. Ford F-150 brake pads need to be changed about every 30,000 to 70,000 miles; however, it is recommended to inspect them at every oil change. When looking at brake pads, make sure they have at least a 1/4 inch remaining. However, if hearing squealing, screeching or metal grinding noises, it is time to get the brake pads inspected and most likely changed.
Once it’s time to change the brake pads, there are three simple steps to follow:
1. Find the right brake pads using the VIN (Vehicle Identification Number)
2. Order the pads
3. Change the brake pads
The following is a quick general guide through each of these steps.
Finding the Right Pads
Whether changing the pads at an auto shop or at home, it is important to ensure that the parts are appropriate for both the make and year of the truck. To do this, first get the vehicle’s background information from the VIN. A VIN is a unique 17-digit code that can tell information from the truck make and model down to its engine and features. On a F-150 this number is found easiest on the driver’s side dashboard close to the windshield. Using a VIN number scanner, ordering the correct brake pads is quick and easy. Simply put the number in, and right parts for the vehicle are shown.
Ordering Parts
Once the VIN has been scanned, finding the correct brake pads should be just a click of a button. The question falls down to where to go for the best Ford F-150 brake pads. It simplifies the process if working with a knowledgeable auto parts retailer that can help direct you to the correct part. Most websites provide search features that allow you to find the closest auto parts shop to help with any F-150 needs.
Installing the Pads
When it is time to change the brake pads, expect to pay approximately $300 for the labor and parts when taking your truck to a mechanic, although this price may change depending on any further services that need to be provided.
If doing the replacements at home, be sure to have all the tools necessary, and of course the correct brake pads which were identified using the VIN. The cost of the brake pads will run between $20 and $75 when purchasing them through a retailer.
Whether installing brake pads at home or through a mechanic, it’s important to remember these three steps to ensure a quick and simple repair. For guidance on selecting the best part, visit an auto parts shop near you.