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Paving your Driveway: Essential Things to Do

November 2, 2018
Paving driveway

Paving projects are not that simple,and they don’t just happen. There’s always a plan behind, made by capable people. We’re talking proper pavement setup and getting the optimum mat temperature – each factor is important for the future work in the project. Also, the workers need to pay attention to all the details, as they always make the difference – they can get you a bonus, or they can get you delayed.

If you need such services, Paving Contractor West Chester Pennsylvania is something that might come in handy.

You’ll need a solid foundation for the coat of the asphalt

olid foundation for the coat of the asphalt
When you want to hire a contractor like bristoldrivewayspro.co.uk to repave your asphalt driveway, you need to do your homework. Some basic knowledge never hurt anyone, so be sure you know the basics about the job he is about to do – it will help you to see if the job is done as it’s supposed to. There are two reasons why the layer of asphalt can get deformed or cracked, and those are insufficient compacting and foundation.

When talking about a new driveway, we talk first about excavating the driveway, then filling with the first layer of gravel – which should also be thick sufficiently. Then, underneath should be placed a geotextile membrane – but only if the ground is loamy and has a lot of clay.

In case your house was built recently, and you just moved in, you might want to wait 6 to 12 months before you pave the driveway, since you need to let the soil settle naturally, at its own pace.
If you just want to repair it, you can just replace the top layer of the asphalt. Don’t forget that the term of the warranty should be the same, no matter the procedure.

Do it perfectly

 Do it perfectly
Sometimes the climate can do a lot of damage when it comes to the asphalt driveways, so they need to be built with at least a 2% slope. This way, the water will go onto the street, and it will reduce the risk of cracking and even heaving. You should keep this aspect in mind when you’re at the excavation stage, and also when you fill it.

In case you own an RV or a truck, you should let the contractor know, in order for them to choose the proper materials. They need an asphalt mix that’s resistant to those vehicles that are heavier. The asphalt should have an initial thickness of about 6.35 to 7.6 cm, in order for the final thickness to have at least 5 cm after it is compacted. The foundation must go beyond the paved surface with about 30 cm on all of the sides.

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