Health & Fitness

Everything You Need to Know About Cosmetic Dentistry

March 16, 2020

While few people actually enjoy going to the dentist, regular visits can distinctly improve your day to day life. Too many people avoid going to the dentist, despite tooth pain while chewing or being exposed to hot or cold temperatures. Unfortunately, this only makes the problem worse, making for a more intricate procedure when they do go in.

Cosmetic dentistry has been around for decades and covers everything from fillings to false teeth. However, scientific and technological advances are improving the industry every day.

Keep reading for everything you need to know.

Cosmetic Dentistry Isn’t Always Covered by Insurance

If you’ve been an adult for very long, you know that dental insurance often leaves something to be desired. It seems like your deductible is always high and few procedures are actually covered. This can be especially true for cosmetic dentistry.

Depending on your insurance, the procedure you want may have to come out of pocket.

You Get What You Pay For

Another important thing to note about cosmetic dentistry is that you get what you pay for. TV streaming services are full of shows about people who tried to save money by going overseas or hitting up black-market dentists to have cosmetic work done.

Unfortunately, this often ends in serious, life-altering, even debilitating issues. Stick to the professionals when it comes to cosmetic dentistry.

Common Types of Cosmetic Dentistry

Odds are, you have had some form of cosmetic dentistry in your life. It helps protect your teeth from tooth decay, align them, and give you a whiter, brighter smile.

What does the field of cosmetic dentistry cover?

1. Dental Implants

Whether due to a traumatic injury or poor mouth hygiene, dental implants can help replace missing teeth. Dental implants can replace a single tooth or an entire mouth of teeth. The implants are fastened to a titanium rod that’s drilled and anchored into the jaw.

2. Crowns and Bridges

Crowns are used to cap partially broken or decayed teeth, assuming the tooth is still alive. They’re typically made of porcelain, ceramic, metal, or resin.

Bridges are designed to fill in a missing or pulled tooth. A crown is attached on either side of the missing tooth with a false tooth attached to fill in the gap.

3. Dentures

Dentures are another option for people missing large quantities (or all) of their teeth. These, however, are removable, rather than drilled into the jaw. They’re expertly fitted to someone’s mouth and denture cream is used as a type of adhesive.

4. Aligners

Most people refer to aligners as braces, but the term is much more encompassing. They also include retainers, invisible liners, and more.

5. Inlays

Finally, inlays and onlays, more commonly known as fillers, are designed to save a tooth from tooth decay. They are fit into cavities to prevent the spread of decay. An inlay is a filling in the center of a tooth, while an onlay can cover other surfaces.

Looking for More Great Information?

The field of cosmetic dentistry is quite complex. It’s been helping people keep their mouths healthy and beautiful for years and things are only getting better.

But if you’re looking for more information and advice, check out some of our other articles before you go. We cover everything from beard grooming to pest control.

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