Home Improvement

How to Maintain an Ideal Pool Temperature

June 24, 2020

One of the most contentious issues about swimming pools is their ideal temperature. Everybody seems to have a different opinion. As a result, most homeowners are often left wondering who is right.

The reality is that the optimum temperature for a swimming pool depends on personal preferences. The warmness or coldness of the water depends on how you apply different factors.

The Significance of Pool Temperature

Pool temperature has a significant effect on how you feel when you jump into the water. For instance, if the water is cold, it can provide relaxation during the hot months.

While most people prefer their Pool temperature to range between 26 and 28 degrees Celsius, it might vary depending on your objectives. For instance, athletes prefer swimming in cold water because it reduces fatigue and improves recovery. On the other hand, sick people like warm water with enjoyable floating amenities because it is therapeutic.

How to Optimise Pool Temperature

Here are some of the methods you can use to keep your pool temperature at desired levels throughout the year.

Invest in Heat Pumps

Heat pumps work by transferring the energy in your surroundings into the water in the swimming pool. They draw heat from the atmosphere, amplify it using a compressor, and then use it to warm the water.

Because they do not require fossil fuel to function, heat pumps are eco-friendly. They also have remarkable efficiency, although some factors affect their performance. For example, cold conditions mean that the heat pump will consume more electricity to warm the water. That said, they do not add a significant amount to your electricity bill.

Install Solar Heaters

Solar heating is one of the most cost-effective means of heating your swimming pool. This is because it is entirely dependent on the sun and requires little maintenance.

While the cost of the first-time installation is expensive, purchasing solar panels is a smart investment. Once installed, a solar heating system will last for up to 30 years without losing its efficiency.

On the downside, solar energy is dependent on prevailing weather conditions. If there is cloud cover, the panels might generate low levels of energy.

Go Green

The majority of pool heat systems consume a lot of energy and pile up the electricity bill. This is the reason why some homeowners are reluctant to invest in them.

However, you can cut down these costs by observing some energy-saving practices. The best way of starting this is by keeping the pool at 26 degrees since it prevents wastage of energy. If nobody is using the pool, make sure that you turn off the water heater. Also, cover the water to maintain the pool temperature.

Lastly, remember to set the poolside thermostat at your preferred level to avoid unnecessary expenses on electricity.


As seen above, there is no ideal pool temperature – it is dependent on personal preferences. It is advisable to try out several methods to know the one that works best for you. Once you find it, remember to observe the conservation tips to avoid overspending on electricity.

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