Health & Fitness

All You Wanted to Know About Pure CBD Tinctures – and More!

July 9, 2020

Applying CBD oil to the skin

Most of the time, you would use only designated CBD muscle balms – such as creams and lotions – for the skin, see here for more options. However, if you don’t have any of these on hand, CBD tincture oil is a brilliant makeshift solution. The skin is able to take in the oil, so that it interacts with cannabinoid receptors. This can help to alleviate inflammation, and provide relief from rosacea, psoriasis and acne. CBD may also help to preserve vibrancy in the skin by virtue of having antioxidants. These have anti-aging properties. CBD is great for managing and preventing bacterial, fungal and microbial infections too.

The versatility of a CBD tincture oil by CBD genesis shows how good it can be for all-round wellness. CBD tincture side effects are minimal, too. You may want to seek a doctor’s advice before using CBD oil with prescription medications. But in most scenarios, a high dose of CBD will just make you sleepy.

Those who want a single CBD product that does everything, rather than having to purchase edibles, creams and vape juices, can get all they need from an oil. Now let’s consider some of the illnesses that CBD oil could have therapeutic value for.

CBD tincture for migraines

Migraine headaches are notorious for being intensely painful, and making the sufferer more vulnerable to light and sound. Migraines are much worse than a regular headache, when they come with these ‘aura’ symptoms. Getting relief from migraines is not always easy. Some remedies soothe the pain but don’t manage all the symptoms. Other treatments solve the symptoms, but cause unwanted side effects. So, could CBD have a more desirable effect, by getting to the symptoms, without the downsides, and delivering true chronic migraine pain relief?

Existing research on CBD and the ECS suggests yes. It’s possible that effective migraine medication has been hard to come by due to a lack of understanding about the causes of the condition. New studies related to the ECS have proposed that migraines are the direct result of a dysfunctional ECS. Researchers are only able to make this connection now because the ECS was only identified in the 1990s.

Dr Ethan Russo and others have argued that migraine aura symptoms could be traced back to CB1 receptor dysregulation. The nurturing role of CBD on the ECS, therefore, makes it a viable solution. The sublingual absorption from tinctures is vital to getting fast effects. The CBD tincture dosage you’ll need will probably depend on the severity of symptoms.

CBD tincture for anxiety

If anxiety is proving troublesome for you, then a non-psychoactive CBD treatment, in the form of a tincture could be the answer. As with migraines, scientists have found it difficult to drill down on the root causes of anxiety. However, an overactive brain which triggers an excess of thought processes is thought to be one reason for the mental condition.

Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) drugs have been used to calm anxiety, but the slow response time means they are fundamentally flawed.

The fast-acting anxiety relief from cbd honey sticks is at the heart of what makes tinctures so good. When you feel an attack coming on, or can anticipate a situation that may spark anxiety, your body can start to fight back with a dose of CBD. The cannabinoid soothes the brain by working with GABA to promote calming neurotransmitters. Some researchers also believe that CBD’s agonist effect on the 5-HT1A receptor in the serotonin system is integral to its anxiolytic response.

CBD tincture for sleep

We don’t just need beauty sleep to reduce and eliminate fatigue, but to protect our brain and body by giving it ample time to heal. This may be vital to warding off neurodegenerative illnesses like Alzheimer’s later in life. A number of sleep remedies – both natural and synthetic – have emerged over the years, some proving more successful than others. The main perks of CBD, in comparison to bad sleeping treatments, is that tincture oils aren’t addictive or loaded with side effects.

As CBD tinctures work fairly rapidly, you only need to take a dose a few minutes before sleeping. A higher dose is preferable to capitalize on the sedative properties of the cannabinoid. CBD also appears to have a modulating influence on the body’s circadian rhythm, which triggers the release of relaxing melatonin hormones in the lead up to sleep. CBD’s relieving effect on stress and anxiety also promote a good night’s sleep.

How to make a CBD tincture

Learning how to create your own CBD tincture isn’t for everybody, but is popular among CBD enthusiasts and those who want a stronger dose. If extra potency is what you want, then simply adding CBD-isolate crystals and dissolving them into the oil works a treat. You can also stir in some coconut oil for the MCTs. To make a homemade CBD tincture from scratch, you’ll need some high-CBD hemp flower, and extract the oil using a solvent, usually alcohol.

Final thoughts

We hope that this CBD tincture review has given you the foundational knowledge on how to use this product to improve your health. In addition to easing anxiety and migraines, CBD oil can be taken to treat inflammation, nerve pain, and also to help a daily smoker manage their addiction. You can also get CBD tinctures designed for pets, although always make sure that the product is veterinarian-formulated.

CBD oil tinctures have helped to bring CBD and hemp to the masses. The soft approach is much better than pharmaceutical remedies. People don’t just enjoy CBD because of its therapeutic effects, but because of the absence of side effects.

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