Home and Garden

Best Time Of Year For Landscaping Your Home

September 1, 2020

The yards that surround our home are like green artwork that pulls eyes towards your house. If you want to make sure people like what they see, it’s understandable that you’d be concerned about where and when to start.

There’s a lot to do, and fortunately, there’s no one time of the year that makes or breaks the rest of it! There are four! Here are the most critical times of the year for landscaping, and what you should be doing during this time.

Winter Starts

It may sound a little bizarre to start a gardening article with Winter- but this season sets up the whole next year for success. Since people don’t expect much out of lawns in Winter, this can be your secret weapon that ensures year-round beauty.

In Winter, it’s essential to make sure that you’ve removed all of your dead leaves from your yard. This step includes cleaning out the last dregs from your gutter. Leaf buildup over the Winter can ruin your yard, leaving large slimy half-rotten leaves to thaw out in the following spring.

At the beginning of Winter, you should also make sure that you’ve planted any early spring bulbs. Do this before the ground freezes if you’re in a cold climate. Most bulbs can withstand the cold and will come out gorgeous on the other side.

Spring Starts

This season is the most exciting for gardeners! You should have a plan in mind for what you’ll want to grow for the warmer months, and look up the perfect timing for everything. When the ground is starting to thaw, spring is the best time to fertilize and aerate your lawn.

Focus on getting your flower beds in shape, and give yourself the time you need to plot out a fruiting garden if you need one. These will need to be planted later, but getting the ground ready for them earlier will set you up for success.

Summer Starts

Now’s the time to make sure your plants are surviving the heat. Water at lower temperature times, cut away any overgrowth and trim all of your plants in any way that they need. If you aren’t sure about the maintenance of plants, using sites like Youtube can help. Don’t overwater, and make sure to keep insects and pests off any fruiting plants you may be growing. If your yard isn’t giving back everything you need, research your specific problems early on so you can nip them in the bud.

Fall Starts

If your yard’s year went well, that’s fantastic! If not, don’t worry, you won’t have to go searching for Whistler homes for sale. Mulching, fertilizing, and feeding your yard is excellent at this time of year. You can aerate now, but run the risk of cracking in roots and cement if water gets into your yard and expands when it freezes. Rake often to clear your yard, compost your leaves for better soil, or even use them as fire starters if they’re dry, and you have a fireplace you use through the Winter.

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